Local Meetings
Up to $1000 (inclusive of GST) per annum is available to each Chapter to support a local ANZSCDB Cell & Developmental Biology Meeting. In addition, ANZSCDB supports special interest group meetings organised by our members. The focus of the conference should be of high interest to cell and developmental biologists.
Who is eligible?
Applications are open to organizers of these meetings as long as they are/become members of ANZSCDB. All supported meetings will have at least one Society member on the organizing committee.
How do I apply?
Applications consist of a letter detailing the meeting title, location, approximate date and some proposed speakers. Applicants should also indicate other likely sources of financial assistance that would ensure the success of the meeting. Include details about predicted number of registrants and names of members of the organising committee who are also ANZSCDB members. You are urged to consider a gender balance in forming the meeting committee and selecting invited speakers.
Applications can be forwarded at any time to the President and should be submitted well in advance of the proposed meeting.
What does your Society require of you?
ANZSCDB requires acknowledgement in all promotional material for the meeting and at the meeting (e.g. in flyer announcing meeting, brochure at meeting, slide at meeting, on website). Upon completion of the supported meeting, the applicant will submit a short report for publication in the Society's newsletter.
ANZSCDB - supporting local Cell & Developmental Biology
ComBio Awards for best Poster and Oral Presentations
- The Toshiya Yamada Early Career Award - value $500*
- The Keith Dixon Prize in Developmental Biology - value $350
- The David Walsh Student Prize - value $350
- ANZSCDB Cell Biology Student Poster Prize – value $350
- ComBio Student Travel Awards
Click here for more information.
ANZSCDB PhD Student International Travel Award
This award is made to a student in his or her last two years of their PhD for travel to an international meeting. Applications will be called for by announce email to members.
Click here for more information